Can a UPS designed for a home office work for a residential garage door opener?
Question by questionmarkinthedark: Can a UPS designed for a home office work for a residential garage door opener?
The only door to my garage is the one opened by the garage opener. I want to store my earthquake supplies in there, but if the power is out, I won't be able to open the door to get inside the garage. The garage door opener manufacturer does not offer a battery back-up option. If I can open the door from the outside just once, then I could pull the emergency release and open/close the door by hand. It's getting in the garage the first time when the power is out that's the problem.
Best answer:
Answer by Chris S
Two options. First, you can have a vault release installed in your door. It's a keylock that enables you to disengage the door from the opener in the event of a power outage. Any garage door company should be able to help you.
Second, you can replace the opener with one that has a battery back up. Chamberlain makes a good one (also branded as Sears and Liftmaster) that uses a DC motor, and has a built-in battery backup that will run the door for at least 24 hours.
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Must be a garage you can only access from outside I take it. No guarantee the ups would work in a pinch. Failsafe Idea I thought of is to somehow rig the safety pull string to the outside with a key coded lockbox over it for quick access to you and not thieves.
Most UPS kick on when the power drops..Even if the door opener isn’t “on” (motor running) there will be a loss of current that will drain the battery pretty quickly. if your not “near” the door to open it in a reasonable amount of time the battery may ware down so you cant open the door anyway. better to have an aux. pull chan affair to open the door from the outside with some sort of “lock box”