why is office interior design important?
Question by Trin: why is office interior design important?
Best answer:
Answer by wonnder1
Too keep you from going postal. Seriously, ever notice how ugly post offices are?
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I just think you spend so much time there, that it’s nice to have your surroundings as nice as possible so you also get the same reflection on your responding moods to others. In other words if it can keep you up…….hopefully you will lift somebody else’s spirit also. Have a lovely holiday and best wishes. Make em all bright and cherri.
happy employees work better than unhappy employees.
This should explain it:
Since a picture is worth a thousand words:
an “office” means that you have customers…You want them to feel the same way that they would feel walking into your home…welcomed and comfortable. Did you think about how they are going to sit? where will there coffee cup go?What about the creamers and sugar? That’s why you need a designer to help…not just to make it pretty but so it works for you and your clients.